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Scuba Diving + Music Videos
shot with GoPro & edited in iMovie; self-taught

Music: Children of The Sea, Black Sabbath

Music: Sukhavati ("Land of Bliss"), Earth Rise Sound System

Music: Petricor, Ludovico Einaudi

Music: Waves, Mr. Probz

RAJA AMPAT, INDONESIA *2nd video made 
Music: High Roller, The Crystal Method

USS THISTLEGORM, EGYPT  *1st video made 
Music: Holy Diver, Dio

Notes On Diving 

Like many people, I used to be terrified of the ocean. I imagined scary creatures below the surface and had panic attacks when swimming in open water. Diving hadn't been on my radar. But in 1997, while living in Jerusalem, I took a trip to Egypt with my boyfriend at the time, and he wanted to do an introductory scuba dive. I didn't admit that I was frightened, but I see only fear through the fake smile in our photo.

My first experience below sea level was beautiful, quiet, and teeming with life. A few months later, I returned to take a training course. Since then, I've become a Nitrox-certified rescue diver and have been on over 700 dives in the world's top destinations including Palau, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Komodo, Honduras and Fiji just to name a few.

I mention this because my becoming a diver was completely random. I could have just as easily taken up kitesurfing, bobsledding or birdwatching had a different opportunity been presented. What mattered is that it gave me a hobby, a new set of skills to practice and master, and a truly wonderful way to see the world! I made SO many friends I wouldn't have known otherwise, because I discovered that you only need to share one common interest with someone to build a lasting friendship. And finally, scuba diving helped me forge a deep connection with nature that hadn't existed for me before then but very much does now. All of it happened because I said yes to something that scared me when I wanted to say no. May we all be so lucky to find something that brings us joy in this life!

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." 

~Mark Twain (allegedly)

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